Which garantees offer a professional photographer?

What does it mean to be a professional photographer? Is it a guarantee of quality work? A mark of seriousness? Simply having a SIRET number is enough to claim the title of a professional photographer. No other prerequisites are necessary!

However, from a photographic practice perspective, we expect a professional photographer to be capable of creating beautiful images in all situations and at any moment. Drawing on their experience, training, and dedication, they should consistently produce good photos—not relying solely on luck.

While this criterion is necessary, it is not sufficient to define a professional wedding photographer. Many amateur photographers, for whom photography is not their primary occupation, can create stunning photo reports, while some professionals may not excel in creativity. Purely in terms of photography, certain amateurs outperform certain professionals. When searching for a photographer, the quality of their work is undoubtedly a crucial factor, but it alone is not enough!

Here are some elements, in my opinion, that allow a professional wedding photographer to deliver a comprehensive and successful service to the couples who entrust them:

rue de lyon depuis la tour du Crédit Lyonnais

Having a professional liability insurance

Anything can happen during a wedding. In the heat of the moment, a wedding photographer might accidentally break valuable objects or cause injury to someone. Just as they need liability coverage for their home insurance, they must also ensure their actions within their professional context.

Insuring equipment against damage an theft

While photography isn’t solely about the gear, it’s clear that a smartphone wouldn’t suffice to cover a wedding. Therefore, it’s advisable for a professional wedding photographer to insure their cameras, lenses, and other equipment against breakage and theft. The investment in equipment represents a significant outlay for an individual entrepreneur, and by protecting it, they safeguard their business.

Having backup equipment

This is a crucial safety measure for any professional photographer. During my wedding shoots, I always work with two cameras. If one malfunctions, I can seamlessly switch to the other! I even keep a third camera body in my car trunk. And I duplicate everything else: flashes, memory cards, batteries, and more. It would be unthinkable for me not to be able to capture your wedding due to technical issues!

Maintaining a robust file backup system

Losing wedding photos because a hard drive crashed is simply unacceptable! I back up files immediately upon returning home, duplicating them across various platforms: external hard drives, NAS servers, and more. Every professional photographer creates their own backup ecosystem to ensure that no technical failure prevents them from delivering your cherished wedding memories.

Building a network of fellow photographers

What happens if your photographer breaks their leg the day before the big day? What if they’re bedridden with a 40°C fever on the morning of the wedding? After several years working in the wedding photography industry, I’ve built a wide network of fellow photographers. In case of emergencies, I can often find a replacement at short notice just by picking up the phone! There are even Facebook groups dedicated to this purpose. Of course, each photographer has their own unique style, so it might not be an ideal situation. But no photographer who loves their craft would leave their client or colleague without a solution if they couldn’t fulfill their commitment.

Offer a service contract

Include provisions for various cancellation scenarios, whether they’re due to force majeure or other reasons. The contract should cover billing terms, delivery timelines, image rights, travel expenses, and more.

Continual learning and growth

Photography is a field where learning never stops. That’s what makes it so exciting. Each photographer brings their creative vision to the table. Being committed to ongoing education and development ensures that fresh ideas are always part of the package for clients.

Since launching as a professional wedding photographer in 2015, I’ve made it a priority to imagine and create solutions for all these aspects. They’re absolutely essential and go beyond just capturing photos—they’re integral to what a professional wedding photographer should offer their clients.

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Jérémie Morel photographe